Access and Inclusion for all.
We at Alltruck Driver Training consider it our civic duty to ensure that all customers are given a fair go, and we seek to remove barriers to education, such as disabilities.
We had a client approach us who was involved in a motorcycle accident a few years back, which rendered his left arm and hand immobile.
The client has strict licence conditions requiring that he:
(a) must only drives automatic vehicles;
(b) must only drives vehicle fitted with power steering;
(c) must only drives vehicle fitted with a steering wheel spinner knob attached; and
(d) must only drives vehicle fitted with an extended indicator switch.
Providing the licensing authority would allow the test to take place, we would set out to facilitate access. We established that the client was not eligible for an HVCBA licence program, and was required to sit a Driver Test with the licensing authority. The booking was made, and we put our plan into action.
Today we took great pleasure in helping our client succeed in achieving a Heavy Rigid (HR) licence.
Well done (identity withheld for privacy reasons)