Acceptance of Gifts, Benefits, or Bribes

ADT is committed to ensuring that each Assessor does not engage in or condone any bribery, corruption or collusion in the delivery of Assessments.

To state the method in which Alltruck Driver Training will comply with the RMS Code of Conduct for HVCBA and the relevant RTO standards.

ADT and its assessors are expected by RMS to adhere to the same requirements of honest, ethical and fair conduct as RMS employees. It is a criminal offence to offer or accept any payment, gratuity, or present inconsideration of any act pertaining to duties as a Provider or Assessor for RMS. Penalties are severe and may include fines and imprisonment. ADT and its assessors is performing a public official function and as such our actions can also be scrutinised by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.

If an Assessor or ADT becomes aware of circumstances which suggest that a bribe is being indirectly offered, e.g. money is placed in a conspicuous place, an Assessor or ADT should inform the Applicant that the services will be terminated unless the money is removed by the Applicant. If anything is said or done by the Applicant to indicate to the Assessor or ADT that an offer of a bribe has been made, the service should be terminated and action taken according to the procedures outlined below.

ADT must ensure that the each Assessor does not engage in or condone any bribery, corruption or collusion in the delivery of Assessments. For example, an Assessor or ADT must not directly or indirectly (ie through a spouse, relative or friend) or by implication demand or solicit a gift or benefit of any kind in respect of any Assessment. An Assessor must not engage in or condone any bribery, corruption or collusion in the delivery of Assessments.

ADT or an Assessor must immediately report any evidence or suspicion of bribery, corruption or collusion to the contact details given below. In this clause references to “bribery” include requesting or accepting any benefits of any kind from or on behalf of an Applicant for ADT or an Assessor (whether the benefit is for Provider or Assessor or a third person) but excludes any training or assessment fee which Provider usually charges. ADT and Assessors are not to accept any gifts associated with the Assessment process, including ‘thank you’ gifts before and/or after the Assessment because it can be perceived as a Conflict of Interest. Bribery is a criminal offence and is therefore a matter for investigation by the Police. Strong action will be taken against all parties involved in such conduct. The essential action is for the Police to be notified immediately. That should be uppermost in the mind of any person involved in such situations.

Whenever an offer of a bribe is made to a representative of ADT or an Assessor (or other personnel):

  1. The incident should be reported to CEO of ADT at the first opportunity;
  2. The NSW Police Service should be immediately notified of the names of the attending Police Officers and their Police Station are to be recorded;
  3. RMS is also to be informed at the first opportunity;
  4. Reports of suspected corruption must be made to the RMS Principal Manager Corruption Prevention and Investigation on (02) 8588 5836 or the General Manager, Governance Branch, RMS on (02) 8588 4151 or RMS Fraud and Ethics Hotline on 1800 043 642 or the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) on (02) 8281 5999;
  5. The Assessor is to report all offers of gifts to the Provider; and
  6. The Provider is to report all offers of gifts to the General Manager, Accreditation, RMS.

The policy extends to all staff.


The CEO is responsible for ensuring this policy be implemented in the QMS.

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