NHVR – Carriage and presentation of documents
What do you need to carry in the cab?
The cabin of your truck doesn’t need to be a filing cabinet. Overall and over time, the NHVR wants to minimise the paperwork and administrative burden you face in your day-to-day work.
Visit the NHVR links below for two new publications that make it easier to work out what you need to carry in your vehicle. As NHVR harmonise notices across the country, they’ll continue to cut the number of documents that need to be carried.
Carriage and presentation of documents bulletin (PDF) provides a summary of the most common transport documents and indicates if they need to be carried or not. It also specifies what documents can be carried as an electronic copy and how they must be stored and presented.
Notices that must be carried fact sheet (PDF) is a complete list of all the gazette notices that you must still carry. This list will be updated each time a notice is created or amended.
Source: NHVR Compliance and Enforcement Bulletin October 2014