Truck licence preparation tools ready for 2020
We’re live
Launched last month, the online HVCBA preparation course is proving to be a valuable tool to prepare truck licence applicants to successfully pass their training course and assessment.
This eLearn product is exclusive to ALLTRUCK DRIVER TRAINING’S customers and free of cost, and automatically sends the customer a certificate on completion. Important to note is that this is not compulsory to start or complete; this is simply a tool that some may elect to use to give themselves a head start. This course come about as we wanted a cost-effective way to further prepare truck licence candidates without increasing cost. For us, looking to technology is the logic move, and we’re already receiving positive feedback on the tools.
The process
The course currently is 24 steps: 12 lecture style videos and 12 quizzes. The quizzes have been designed to reenforce important information that will aid in preparing for the face-to-face truck training course and assessment. To see a sample of how the online course works have a go at our FREE 2 step Load Security Awareness online course.
The course content covers the performance criteria including in Heavy Vehicle Competency Assessment (HVCBA) in an easy to understand manner. Moreover, the presenter provides a unique insight into the training and assessment process, explains customary procedures, and offers tips and traps to better prepare applicants.
Who gets access
So whether they’re enrolled in Medium Rigid, Heavy Rigid, or Heavy Combination, all applicants doing their truck licence training course with ALLTRUCK DRIVER TRAINING will have optional access to these excellent training resources. Also Bricklaying
Unlike the many really low-quality truck licence course providers in Sydney (that’s being polite and restrained), at ALLTRUCK DRIVER TRAINING we really do care about preparing drivers well for both the truck licence assessment, and more importantly, driving on their own.
Call us today to get started 1300521289